CBT + Physical Activity Group

When we feel low in our mood it can be hard to know how to get back to our usual selves. Often our motivation is affected resulting in us withdrawing from others and becoming less active. When we are doing less we have more time to think which often starts becoming negative and self-blaming.

The ‘CBT + Physical activity group helps people reduce their symptoms of depression by learning evidence based strategies from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This group also has a focus on helping people move more, and overcome the barriers to physical activity that often arise when we feel depressed. Alongside learning about CBT and how to apply this to improve your mood, there is time allocated in each session to help people engage with physical activity. You will not be expected to do anything too strenuous and there is an emphasis on starting small and building up slowly, for example increasing the amount of time you spend walking each day.



What can I expect from a group session?

The group runs for 10 weekly sessions which are each 2 hours long. Each session is facilitated by two therapists.

How many people will there be?

You can expect between 8-12 people to be there. Everyone will be asked to respect the group rules and confidentiality.

Will I have to talk?

No, not if you don’t want to. Participation is encouraged to help you get the most out of the session but we keep the discussions based on the topic rather than personal experience. You will never be put on the spot to contribute and if you do not wish to take part in group discussions that is ok and you will not be forced to contribute.

What if I see someone I know?

This is a common question but it rarely happens. If you are ever uncomfortable in a group you can always ask to attend the next one. However there may be positives in seeing someone you know at a session. It may be that you both hadn’t been open about your difficulties before but could now be a support for each other.

I can no longer make it, what should I do?

Please let us know as soon as you know you are unable to attend. For our workshops this enables us to offer your place to someone else who may be waiting. In our regular groups it means we won’t wait for you to get started and can ensure you receive any missed material.

Is there anything else I should know?

Most people feel anxious about attending a group session and you will not be alone. However everyone there wants you to feel comfortable and learn how to improve your wellbeing. We often find that people stay in touch with other group members and provide an invaluable support to one another.