Who we are & our clinical strategy

NHS Talking Therapies: the Camden and Islington Psychological Therapies Service offers treatment for a range of psychological problems, including anxiety and depression.

We are based in GP surgeries and community settings. The service is for adults registered with a Camden or Islington GP, or people who are resident in these boroughs but do not have a GP.

The staff members in NHS Talking Therapies are all trained to a high standard to deliver evidence-based psychological therapies. Staff are either Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners or Psychological Therapists. They have professional codes of conduct and are accountable to their professional bodies. All therapists receive regular supervision.

NHS Talking Therapies is part of the Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust and is fully integrated with other services within the Trust. As of May 2023, the Trust also forms part of the North London Mental Health Partnership. This is a partnership between neighbouring Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. This partnership has a single Chair, Chief Executive and Partnership Executive Team.

The Camden branch of NHS Talking Therapies forms part of a Camden Psychological Therapies Partnership. Together with IESOAge UK Camden, the Camden, City, Islington and Westminster Bereavement ServiceNafsiyat, and Women and Health the Camden Psychological Therapies Partnership is commissioned to provide a range of evidence-based therapy services for people registered with a Camden GP.

We also have a partner organisation in Islington called Growing Together – a service treating parental anxiety and depression where it is impacting on children’s wellbeing too. This service sits within the Islington Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service part of Whittington Health NHS Trust.

If you wish to know more you may find it helpful to watch this video created by the Camden & Islington Diversity & Inclusion working Group. It explains who NHS Talking Therapies are and how we are working to towards having a diverse workforce. It also explains the different roles and therapies available within the service.

Talking Therapies Clinical Strategy 2023-2028

In April 2023, our NHS Talking Therapies service user involvement group, known as the ‘NHS Talking Therapies advisory group’ were invited to help us devise a clinical strategy for the next 5 years for our talking therapies services across Camden and Islington in conjunction with the Talking Therapies services in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey.

Please see below for the final version of this talking therapies clinical strategy:

Talking therapies clinical strategy – 7 November 2023

NHS Talking Therapies position statements

We have a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in NHS Talking Therapies. Given this commitment, we have developed and are in the process of developing statements emphasising what our commitments and activities are in relation to EDI. See below for our current position statements and activities across our service: