Stress occurs when the demands in our life outweigh our ability to cope. Therefore, to reduce stress we can reduce the demands, increase our coping abilities, or do both!
This workshop aims to answer three simple questions:
Together we will look at how stress affects us emotionally and physically, as well as the way it changes how we think and behave in stressful times. You will learn a range of coping strategies to help with both the emotional and practical impact including;
All workshops have been recorded by our therapists and are available to view online. We are currently unable to run face to face workshops due to the pandemic. You can see all of our workshops here.
Workshops are typically three hours long, whereas group sessions can range in length. All have a short comfort break in the middle. There are usually up to 10-20 attending the session. Our sessions are facilitated by two to three members of staff.
You can expect between 10-20 people to be there. Everyone will be asked to respect the group rules and confidentiality.
No, not if you don’t want to. Participation is encouraged to help you get the most out of the session but we keep the discussions based on the topic rather than personal experience. You will never be put on the spot to contribute and if you do not wish to take part in group discussions that is ok and you will not be forced to contribute.
This is a common question but it rarely happens. If you are ever uncomfortable in a group you can always ask to attend the next one. However there may be positives in seeing someone you know at a session. It may be that you both hadn’t been open about your difficulties before but could now be a support for each other.
Please let us know as soon as you know you are unable to attend. For our workshops this enables us to offer your place to someone else who may be waiting. In our regular groups it means we won’t wait for you to get started and can ensure you receive any missed material.
Most people feel anxious about attending a group session and you will not be alone. However everyone there wants you to feel comfortable and learn how to improve your wellbeing. We often find that people stay in touch with other group members and provide an invaluable support to one another.