We are currently running a project offering free workshops to local organisations on different aspects of wellbeing. The project would involve two of our therapists coming to you to facilitate a workshop to your staff or the people you support.
We can offer workshops on the following topics:
• Introduction to wellbeing and support available
• Stress and Relaxation
• Perfectionism
• Self-Esteem
• Assertiveness
• Getting Active
All of our workshops are designed to teach people how to notice signs and symptoms of difficulty in these areas, and what they can do to manage these symptoms more effectively. They are primarily based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the approach recommended by NICE guidelines and proven to be highly effective. They are typically 2 hours long.
How can these workshops benefit your service?
One of our aims as a service is to help people help themselves before the first signs and symptoms of mental health deteriorate. These workshops are aimed at educating everyone in ways to look after their mental wellbeing in the same way we are educated to know how to look after our physical health. We hope the workshops will help reduce stigma and encourage people to talk about their mental health openly. We also know that when people focus on their wellbeing they are more engaged and productive in the workplace.
If you would like to know more please email sally.saines@candi.nhs.uk for further information.