Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning, even though you’ve had enough opportunity to sleep.
It’s difficult to define what normal sleep is because everyone is different. Your age, lifestyle, environment and diet all play a part in influencing the amount of sleep you need.
Sleep problems are the most common cause of poor mental health.
Sleep problems have a direct negative impact on quality of life, and can increase the risk of developing further psychological problems such as anxiety or depression. Up to 80% of patients with major depression report sleep disturbances. And research shows that poor sleep can make existing problems worse, can maintain mental health issues longer and also act as a barrier to successful treatment. Furthermore, insomnia can increase the risk of developing of a variety of other chronic illnesses including cardiovascular disease, chronic pain disorders, obesity and diabetes.
There are a number of causes of sleep problems:
Most people experience sleeping problems at some point in their life. Persistent insomnia (getting to sleep and/or staying asleep) affects approximately 10% of people. Every day, 38% of adults in the UK are estimated to be suffering from at least one insomnia symptom. It tends to be more common in women and more likely to occur in older age.
If you feel that you are experiencing problems with your sleep, iCope can offer you a range of effective evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy treatments including:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may include working through educational material so you can understanding insomnia and sleep problems, make adjustments to ‘sleep hygiene’ and use diaries to monitor sleep and record improvements so you can see evidence of the change happening for yourself.
If you would like help, request an appointment here. Alternatively, you may wish to speak to your GP.
There are a number of things you can do at home to help you sleep. This is often referred to as good sleep hygiene, and includes: