Long-COVID & Mental Health

There are a number of resources including websites, videos and apps which can help you better understand how you are feeling and provide you with strategies for managing your difficulties. These can be useful to look at and work through before, during or after your contact with our service.

**Long COVID is a new diagnosis that comes with clusters of symptoms that are still being researched and understood over time. For this reason, there are a limited range of resources that we are able to highlight at the present time. This page will be updated as further resources and information about long COVID emerges.**

Long-COVID does not yet appear in book lists. A list of recommended self-help books for various other physical health conditions and symptoms can be found on the Reading Well website. These are available to borrow from your local library and some may feel relevant (e.g. books about managing fatigue, pain or breathlessness).


Your COVID Recovery app (iOS & Android): an app specifically designed to help individuals recover from the long-term effects of COVID. It contains a range of resources to manage the effects of COVID on both on body and mind on a daily basis. It is a web-based programme that can be accessed following a referral to the programme from a healthcare professional and it follows on from the Your COVID Recovery website launched in July 2020

Living With COVID Recovery app: a 12-week digital rehabilitation programme delivered via an app and supported by clinicians along the way. This app is only available via a referral from specific hospitals and community teams. It is currently available to individuals who are referred to Camden long-COVID community services by their GP.

FoodSwitch (iOS & Android): an app to support making healthy food choices



Other mental health apps:

These resources support general mental health and may not be specific to health problems.

NHS Apps Library provides a general list of digital tools to help you manage and improve your mental and physical health.

UCL Positive app for students – an app to support your wellbeing.

iCope Mental Health Apps Review 2017 – this is a list of free, recommended mental health apps. Recommendations come from NHS Talking Therapies clinicians, online app reviews, published studies and feedback from NHS Talking Therapies service users.

Websites & Workbooks

Your COVID Recovery Website: an NHS website that contains a range of resources for individuals who are recovering from COVID. It offers information and guidance for those coming to terms with the impact the virus has had on both body and mind

Long COVID Physio Website: a website created for peer support, education and advocacy by physiotherapists living with Long COVID. The website provides resources written by healthcare professionals living with long COVID, to support learning and self-management

North Central London Post COVID Syndrome Resources: a website collated by health providers in North Central London to support people with long COVID, also known as Post-Covid Syndrome (PCS).

Positive Coping with Health Conditions: a self-care workbook written by health professionals that provides strategies to help individuals living with health problems to cope


General mental health websites and workbooks

These resources support general mental health and may not be specific to health problems.

Northumberland NHS self-help
Brief self-help leaflets on: Abuse, Alcohol, Anxiety, Domestic Violence, Self Harm, Panic, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, Postnatal Depression, Obsessions and Compulsions

Centre for Clinical Interventions
Detailed workbooks on: panic, worrying, assertiveness, disordered eating, low self-esteem, managing distress, depression.

Talk Plus
This website has a range of booklets and videos explaining step by step how to use some of the key cognitive behavioural therapy techniques, for example behavioural activation, problem-solving, worry management and graded exposure. These may be used alongside some of the therapy sessions you attend in our service.

Good Thinking
Tools and resources to help yourself and others to feel better.

Mental health charity with lots of useful information.

Podcasts & Sounds

‘Long COVID: How to define it and how to manage it’ is an online webinar that was recorded in September 2020 by The British Medical Journal. The webinar is approximately 1-hour and includes a panel of medical specialists who discuss the long-COVID diagnosis and symptoms, the prognosis and possible course for symptoms and possible management strategies for coping. To listen visit: https://www.bmj.com/

‘COVID 19: The Long Road to Recovery is a File on 4 BBC Sounds recording about the physical and psychological aftermath of COVID-19. The recording includes interviews with  people who have experienced COVID-19 and long-COVID. Some describe experiencing traumatic memories and emotions following inpatient admissions and say that “surviving was just the beginning”. Others experienced mild virus symptoms followed by life-changing and distressing long-COVID symptoms (e.g. breathlessness, racing heart, weakness) and describe struggling to get the care and support they needed. To listen visit: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/

Long COVID Physio Podcast is a space where physiotherapists, support workers and other Allied Health Professionals share stories of living with Long COVID. Podcasts also disseminate important long COVID research and invites clinical, academic and policy allies to join the discussion. To listen visit: https://longcovid.physio/podcast 

“Imagine running a marathon with no finish line at all”: Listen to Sophie’s journey about living with ongoing long COVID symptoms and the challenges to adjusting to life (source: BBC Breakfast).


Positive Coping with Health ConditionsRelaxation Method Audio resource that goes through exercises to release tension and promote relaxation. Accompanies a self-care workbook written by health professionals that provides strategies to help individuals living with health problems to cope


General mental health audio resources:

These resources support general mental health and may not be specific to health problems.

Let’s talk about CBT – audio podcast by Dr Lucy Maddox, BABCP

NHS Moodzone – a range of audio guides and podcasts to boost your mood including low mood and depression, overcoming sleep problems, unhelpful thinking, and low confidence and assertiveness

Exercise and mental health – podcast by the Mental Health Foundation

Glasgow Wellbeing Service – a range of audio resources on topics such as anxiety, relaxation, panic, sleep and stress


Listen to these individuals describe their experiences of long COVID symptoms and the impact on daily life (source: UK Government, Department of Health and Social Care):


Listen to Evan’s experiences, she shares her knowledge of ME and how this could help people living with long COVID symptoms such as fatigue (source: BBC News):


If you would like to know more about how our service and the local long COVID recovery network may be able to help you with the physical and psychological effects of long COVID, please book an appointment with us – be sure to highlight that you are seeking help following long COVID in your referral. Alternatively, you may wish to speak to your GP or physical health team about how to access help with the impact of long COVID symptoms on your life.


General mental health videos:

These resources support general mental health and may not be specific to health problems.

What is CBT – Mind

Depression – I had a Black Dog

Depression & Low Mood – British Sign Language version

Glasgow Wellbeing Service – videos on anxiety, low mood, stress, sleep, panic and anger

Talk Plus – videos on a range of cognitive behavioural therapy techniques including behavioural activation, problem-solving, graded exposure and worry management

Understanding and managing stress – video by the Mental Health Foundation

Self-management Courses

Community-based support for managing the effects of long COVID are being developed locally – ask your GP or specialist healthcare professionals from your community or hospital respiratory team about how to go about accessing this.

If you would like to know more about how our service and the local long COVID recovery network may be able to help you with the physical and psychological effects of long COVID, please book an appointment with us – be sure to highlight that you are seeking help following long COVID in your referral.


Recovery college COVID webinars are also available online – check your local recovery college website for information about this.

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust and Barnet Enfield and Haringey Foundation Trust have partnered up along with local recovery colleges to offer a weekly webinar series about managing following COVID-19, including long-COVID, to support people in their recovery journeys. For updates about this visit:


West London NHS Trust Recovery College and Central and North West London Foundation Trust (CNWL) joined forces to create a series of free webinars for those affected by long COVID. These webinars are accessible following online registration. For more information visit here: https://westlondon.nhs.uk/news-events/webinars-supporting-you-through-pandemic/

South London and the Maudsley (SLAM) NHS Foundation Trust Recovery College have made some of their webinars available online for all free of charge with no requirement to be linked to SLAM. For information about the courses available visit their website. To register to watch webinars visit their Webinar Rewinds site: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/webinar-rewinds.html