Feedback & complaints

Want to help us improve our service?

Please give us some feedback. Your views and experiences are important to us and feedback helps us to improve. We welcome any comments, compliments or complaints from people who have experience of using our service. Contact us here.

Any comments provided will remain anonymous and will not affect your care with us. If you would like someone to contact you to discuss your feedback, please make this clear in your email, and let us know the best way to contact you.


Want to let others know what you think of our service?

You can leave a review on the NHS.UK website. This feedback is anonymous and can be seen by members of the public.


Want to make a complaint?

When things go wrong we want to know about it. The easiest way to let us know is to speak to your therapist, or email us on the above emails. Our management team will investigate what has happened and try to put things right. You can also email the Trust on including making a formal complaint which will be investigated my someone outside the service.